Aug 24, 2020
The Jesus Matrix #12 It has to do with King Herod the great, the Romans, the Pharisees and Sadducees, the Essene sect, and two catastrophic revolts that turned Jerusalem's great temple into a smoldering ruin and turned ancient Israel into a wasteland. In the final analysis, Jesus becomes a “matrix” for examining a...
Aug 24, 2020
The Jesus Dynasty #11 If it's true that Christian tradition completely divorced Jesus from his own people, his culture, and his religious environment, how did this come about? How did Christianity become a separate religion? Let's have a look at how the Nazarene movement evolved after Jesus, digging deep in to...
Aug 24, 2020
Who Killed Jesus? #10 Why was Yeshua AKA Jesus executed? For claiming to be the Messiah? For claiming to be God? Who was responsible? And why should we care? Is this a Jewish issue? Actually, it is, because the charge “Christ-killers” was repeated across Christian Europe for the next two millennia, even to...
Aug 24, 2020
Kabbalah and Jesus #9 Kabbalah, properly understood as Jewish mysticism, is an ancient tradition rooted in supernatural encounters with divine beings, and deeply connected with miraculous healing. Question: Was the historical Jesus an ancient Kabbalist of sorts, on his own mystical path, or a down-to-earth teacher of...
Aug 24, 2020
The Kingdom of Heaven #8 The very words “Kingdom of Heaven” conjure up notions of choirs of angels, and a place where good people go when they die. But what did the ancient Israelite Sages mean when they used the terminology? What did Jesus of Nazareth mean by the “Kingdom of Heaven,” which was likely his most...